Pricing plans that suit you
choose a plan that’s perfect for you!
The list of features goes on…and will get bigger by the day!
Save 20%
Forever Free
$0 /mo$0 /mo
$35 /mo$350 /yr
$100 /mo$999 /yr
Custom Custom
100 MB | 25 GB | 500 GB | Call us |
Team Members
1 | 10 | 20 | Call us |
Unlimited files
Unlimited Reviewers
Live website review
Guest commenting
File details & activity log
Search & highlight text
Folders upload**
Versioning & comparison
Custom file status
Slow-mo video review
Real-time collaboration
Controlled sharing
Link sharing via email invite
Change language
Custom branding
Frequent contact list
Custom email templates
Email groups
Download Comments
Photoshop integration
Illustrator integration
InDesign integration
Dropbox integration
Box integration
Desktop Uploader
Zapier integration
Approval Workflow
Google Drive integration
Youtube integration
CAD and 3D Review
Enterprise Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Custom domain (CNAME)
Full white label (including CSS)
Single Sign On (SSO)
Third party app integrations
Custom integrations
Custom feature development
Priority Support
Custom Onboarding and Training
Greater flexibility with featured add-ons#
Live Website Links
100 Live Website Links
HTML and WordPress
White label with CNAME
Branded Domain
Improved Brand Recall with Reviewers

Get 500 GB storage
for $500 / yr
# Add-on storage can only be purchased if you have the Premium Plan.
Whether you are a large, mid-sized or small company, we let you get onboard immediately to collaborate with your teams and clients for faster approval.
What file types can I upload?
How many files can I share with reviewers?
There is no limit to the number of files you can share. Each file you upload can be a maximum of 5GB. You total storage limit depends on the plan you are on. The Forever Free gives you 100MB (which also means you can not upload a single file that is larger than 100MB), while the Pro Plan gives you 25GB and the Premium Plan gives you 250GB. You can add on 250GB to your plan for an annual fee. For custom Enterprise Plans, please contact us.
How does the Forever Free plan work?
What if I want custom branding or additional features? Can I use it with my existing DAM / CMS?
Do I have to install any software?
What is a the difference between a Registered User and Anonymous Reviewers?
Do reviewers need to pay?
Is there a limit to the file size that I can upload?
Yes, the upload file size limit is 5GB. If you need to upload files larger than 5GB, email us on