Adobe cc integration

Upload, review and compare images and pdf files directly from inside InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator (Premiere Pro coming soon!)

Tight Integration

Get full access to QuickReviewer from within Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign CC. Remove the dependency of exporting files as PDF, JPG or PNG and emailing them to reviewers for feedback. The QuickReviewer panel lets you login, upload files, upload revisions, view comments and sync files for easier comparison and faster access to feedback.

Collaborate from within Adobe CC


Upload and share PDFs and images directly from inside Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign CC


Allow internal and external reviewers  to add comments to shared creatives and view them from within your CC application

Live Feedback

View all comments in real time while reviewers add annotations to your design with the option to Reply or Like them

Sync File Flow

Multi page PDF proofs are synchronized with the InDesign files so they both jump to the comment location in tandem

Mark as Resolved

Think of the comments and a check-list and mark them as ‘Done’ as you keep resolving the requests or feedback

Upload Revisions

Upload new versions of creatives after making all the requested changes for the next round of review or approval

Schedule a 30min demo